Sunday, February 9, 2014

Infp Introduction


       I took the Myerr Briggs test last year around this time. According to the test I’m an INFP. When I first took the test I was so interested in the topic I soaked up all I could because I found it so interesting! This description of myself was so accurate in so many ways. I spent a lot of my free time visiting various personality type explanations, various infp blogs, discussion boards, and youtube videos. Its kind of funny how interested I got after I went to some of these resources. I think it had to do with the fact that once I read my description and I started going to other infp resources and I felt a kinship with other people who saw life in such a similar way. As you may or may not know, infp’s are pretty few and far between and up to this point I only know of one personally, and so to see that there are so many other people out there who share this similar experience to my own is very comforting and gets me super excited. Also, when I learned about the other personality types I asked my friends and family to take the test. This is pretty common for INFP’s to do this haha I guess its just not as interesting to other types for us its this theory that we can pick apart and open our minds to another way of thought that we haven’t been exposed to previously.. at least that’s how its like for me lol. Its been an awesome learning experience for me because it has really helped me  to connect with people in a different way because not only am I more aware of various aspects of myself, I am able to better understand where other people are coming from when they say or do certain things.
       So I went from really excited about the whole myer briggs test to much more toned down, in the back of my mind but still an interesting thing to consider. One thing about me is that personally I am not a fan of boxing people in. This may seem contradictory because here’s a test that puts labels on people. What I’ve come to understand though, and it may seem very simple to some but even though this test puts people in different categories there is so much more variety to what makes each of us individuals. I don’t think the ultimate purpose of the test is to say this person is like this and only like this. Haha  at least I hope that that’s not what people get out of it lol. The reason why I’m bringing this up is because when I first found out about this way of describing people I went a little too far into it and I started defining people under these labels. And now I realize that it’s really not fair to put this box on anyone because it is just a label, just a description, and oftentimes there is more than meets the eye. At the same time… I still really like this test because it does offer perspective to different viewpoints and ways of receiving information and so forth.
       I plan on sharing my INFP experience on this blog. I have no idea what will come of this but even if it is just an outlet for myself that is perfectly fine with me. But, on the other hand if I connect with other INFP’s or Any other personality type that would make me very happy as well. I want to add another face to all of my fellow INFP’s out there. Can’t wait!

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